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Thigh Lift (Thighplasty) Los Angeles Questions Answered by Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Question: What are the best procedures for me? What can be done about my thighs with all the cellulite and the loose skin on the belly? Answer: In order to achieve maximum results from a thigh lift and a tummy tuck and to reduce the risks of complications before and after surgery, Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes recommends that you reach your weight goal and maintain it for three months. Question: Bilateral thigh lift with outer thigh liposuction? Answer: There are many variants of the thigh lift like the anterior, medial, lateral, or posterior thigh lift. These are often done through lower body lift incisions like a tummy tuck with an incision along the upper aspect of the buttocks or can be done with an incision in the gluteal fold. In this manner, the buttocks, back of thighs, and outer thighs can be lifted during the same procedure.  Patients may have many areas of skin laxity on the thighs, and the surgery can be tailored to improve that specific area or multiple specific areas. Liposuction to the areas can usually be performed at the same time as long as the blood supply to the area is not compromised. Question: Do I require a thigh lift or liposuction to the thighs? Answer: If you have no loose soft tissue on your inner or outer thigh regions, no excess sagging skin and no cellulite, liposuction alone will likely be sufficient.  Try exercises in the gym for six months to see whether your thighs have toned to your satisfaction.

Question: How many procedures can be done at a time? I need to get a thigh lift, arm lift and breast lift with implants. Answer: These procedures can be combined in one surgery if you are healthy and your board certified plastic surgeon is an expert at all of the procedures (thigh lift, arm lift, breast lift with implants) and has great reviews and great before and after pictures on his/her website. Some of these procedures can be performed at one time and may be referred to as a mommy makeover.

For safety reasons, Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes limits the surgery time to six hours or less.  You also need to consider the recovery involved with each of these procedures. You may stage the procedures as well: arm lift and breast lift with implants first; three months later have the thigh lift. Question: Thigh Lift: What are the alternative scar placement options? Answer: There are other variants of the thigh lift like the anterior (front), lateral (outer) or posterior (back) thigh lift. These are often done through lower body lift incisions like a tummy tuck with an incision along the upper aspect of the buttocks or can be done with an incision in the gluteal fold (underneath the buttocks). In this manner, the buttocks, back of thighs, and outer thighs can be lifted during the same procedure.  The inner thigh lift procedure involves a groin incision or a longer vertical incision that extends down the inner aspect of the thigh. Question: Inner Thigh Lift Safety? How often do blood clots and scar spreading occur and how can they be effectively avoided? Answer: Complications could include wound separation and delayed wound healing, fluid collection, infection, bleeding, scar migration, blood clots, etc.    Scarring will diminish over a year but scar treatments (Silicone sheets, Mederma, and Biocorneum) can be applied.  Excess fluid accumulation can be handled with drains.  If your medical history warrants, blood thinners may be prescribed to decrease the likelihood of a clot. The best way to avoid blood clots is to follow standard protocols of early ambulation after surgery, sequential compression devices applied prior to induction of general anesthesia, and keeping anesthesia times under 6 hours. Question: What could I expect with a thigh lift and fat transfer to improve front and inner thighs after unevenness from liposuction? Answer: The groin incision thigh lift can be a very powerful tool to improve skin laxity along the inner thighs. The beauty of its design is that the scar can be hidden in the groin crease so that some of these scars are almost undetectable. At the same time, done correctly, inner thigh laxity to the level of the mid-thigh can be improved dramatically.  If the volume needed is small, fat grafting may be appropriate. A variety of liposuction revision techniques including Bodytite may be required to get the best possible liposuction revision result.  Question: Why are some thigh lift scars in the groin crease? Answer: The groin incision thigh lift can be a very powerful tool to improve skin laxity along the inner thighs. The beauty of its design is that the scar can be hidden in the groin crease so that some of these scars are almost undetectable. At the same time, done correctly, inner thigh laxity to the level of the mid-thigh can be improved dramatically.  The groin incision inner thigh lift will not improve the skin near the knees. Some patients may require an incision that extends for a small distance down the inner thigh, which is very difficult to see when placed appropriately.  Any additional improvement near the lower part of the thigh and knee will involve an extended medial thigh lift (extended inner thigh lift).

A: What is a typical recovery time and what would I make sure I ask doctors about thigh lifts? You should be able to return to work within two weeks after your procedure, though “the recovery time for a thigh lift should be at  least six weeks before you can resume strenuous activity.”  During that time, you can expect soreness, bruising, and swelling around your surgical area.  Body position during recovery is very important, to lessen tension on the incisions and prevent wound separation.   If you have drains, you’ll need to report the amount of fluid collected to your surgeon. As the healing progresses and the drainage slows, your doctor will remove the drains. Always ask your plastic surgeon about when you may shower, as this varies considerably from provider to provider. A: Thigh rolls, cellulite, loose skin. How would you treat this area and how much improvement can be reasonably expected? (photos) There are many variants of the thigh lift like the anterior, lateral, or posterior thigh lift. These are often done through lower body lift incisions like a tummy tuck with an incision along the upper aspect of the buttocks or can be done with an incision in the gluteal fold. In this manner, the buttocks, back of thighs, and outer thighs can be lifted during the same procedure.  Patients may have many areas of skin laxity on the thighs, and the surgery can be tailored to improve that specific area or multiple specific areas. You would need to be seen in person by a board certified PS to determine what combination is most appropriate for you. A: Will I need someone to care for me after a thigh lift procedure? This depends upon the extent of your surgery, your health, your living accommodations (no stairs), and activities (unable to lift > 1-2 pounds the first two weeks), you will need to engage in when you get home.  A CARETAKER must spend the first night after surgery with you. You may not drive the first week or while you are taking pain medication. After that it will depend on your ability to handle a car without causing any discomfort. No smoking which will interfere with your healing. No exercise for 4-6 weeks. Discuss your options with your PS; our patient coordinator can arrange for the assistance of a licensed vocational nurse for up to three days after surgery. A: Can I get a thigh lift with incisions under butt and groin area to remove loose skin? Hello. Great question. A personal examination is needed to properly address your concerns and determine if that incision is appropriate for you. Please schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for a detailed surgical plan to achieve your desired results. A: How can I remove excess skin on my inner thighs? Hello. Great question. A personal examination and/or pictures are needed to properly address your concerns. Please schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for a detailed surgical plan to achieve your desired results. A: When is it safe to ride a motorcycle again after a thigh lift? Hello. Great question. Congratulations on your procedure. I will suggest discussing any post op instructions directly with your surgeon. Every surgeon has their own post op protocol. A: Legs deformed. What can I do to fix my legs and thighs? Hello. Great question. A personal examination is needed to properly address your concerns. Please schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for a detailed surgical plan to achieve your desired results. A: Worried - Does this healing look normal? Hello. Great question. I am sorry for your post op difficulties. It is not uncommon for wound dehiscence to occur post op. Keep following your surgeon's post op instructions. A: I had an inner thigh lift and have bulges and wrinkled skin near my groin. Hello. Great question. Thank you for your pictures. Based on your images, you can benefit from a revision procedure. Please schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for a detailed surgical plan to achieve your desired results. A: How would you go about fixing these unsighty dog ears on my buttocks ? Hello. Great question. Thank you for your pictures. Based on your images, it appears you can benefit from bodytite (for skin tightening). Please schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for a detailed surgical plan to achieve your desired results.

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